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时间:2022-11-21 18:30:20 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



[中图分类号]R641 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)09-0143-06

Progress of Exosomes Derived from Mesenchymal Stem Cells

in Repair of Cutaneous Wound in Relation to Function and Mechanism

HE Qiang, ZHANG Pei-hua

(Department of Plastic Surgery,Guangdong Medical University, Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524000,Guangdong,China)

Abstract: Exosomes are lipid membrane-enclosed vesicles whose diameter is 30-100 nm secreted by various cell types, and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) function via the paracrine pathway--exosomes. Recently, several studies have demonstrated that exosomes derived from MSCs can effectively carry bioactive substance into recipient cells, such as specific proteins, mRNAs, microRNAs and lipids derived from the parental cells. These mocular cargoes can regulate many biological processes in the repair of cutaneous wound, such as the inflammatory response, cell proliferation, cell migration, cell differentiation, blood vessel tube formation and matrix reconstruction, which not only promote wound healing but also inhibit the development of scar to enhance the capacity for wound repair. Therefore, exosomes derived from MSCs have a good clinical application prospect. This review will discuss the current literature regarding the role of exosomes derived from MSCs in cutaneous wound repair, especially the function and mechanism.

Key words: exosomes; mesenchymal stem cells; cutaneous wound repair; improvement of healing; inhibition of scar

外泌體(Exo,exosomes)是一种经细胞内体途径生成并释放到细胞外的囊性小泡,直径介于30~100nm,由磷脂双层膜包被,其内包裹脂质、蛋白质、核酸等多种生物活性物质,电镜下观察呈杯状,是参与细胞间物质转运与信息传递的重要角色[1]。1983年,Pan等在观察绵羊网织红细胞成熟过程中首次发现包裹代谢终产物并释放到细胞外的小囊泡,1987年Johnstone等将其正式命名为“外泌体”[2-3]。此后发现,包括间充质干细胞(MSCs,mesenchymal stem cells)在内的几乎所有细胞都能分泌外泌体,并释放入细胞外环境中,如细胞培养上清液,以及各种体液,包括血液、淋巴液、脑脊液、唾液、尿液、羊水等[4]。


1 外泌体的构成

外泌体是经由内体途径形成的。首先,细胞质膜多处凹陷,向内出芽形成初级核内体,母细胞释放颗粒物质进入初级核内体中并继续凹陷出芽形成含有多个管腔状囊泡的多囊泡体(MVB,multivesicular body)。其次,MVB与胞膜融合,其内的管腔状囊泡再次凹陷出芽形成颗粒状小囊泡,并释放到胞外,这些释放到胞外的颗粒状小囊泡即为外泌体[1]。

推荐访问:创面 干细胞 研究进展 修复 机制

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