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时间:2022-11-03 10:15:12 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

摘 要:近年来,循证决策在全球范围内掀起了一场政策“有效性”变革的浪潮,但也受到越来越多理论和实践的挑战。基于治理理论和善治理论的观点,许多学者探讨了“循证治理”相关的概念,以弥合“循证”思潮与主流公共管理理论的断桥。文章从证据生产、评价、使用和价值取向四个方面阐释了从循证决策到循证治理的转变逻辑,类比循证医学三要素提出了循证治理的三要素:证据、领导力和公共价值。文章以循证领域的主要研究方法——系统评价为分析对象,考察了循证医学和公共管理领域系统评价研究的方法论异同,呈现了Campbell数据库中一项公共管理领域系统评价研究,并讨论了其方法论启示。循证治理的未来研究问题包括中层理论构建、知识转化、方法论研究、本土化研究以及大数据与计算社会科学背景下的循证治理等。


中图分类号:C3;R-3 文献标识码:A DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018040

From Evidence-based Policy-making to Evidence-based Governance:Theoretical Framework and Methodological Analysis

Abstract In recent years, evidence-based policy-making has raised a wave of changes on policy "effectiveness" globally. At the same time, the concepts and frameworks of evidence-based policy-making are being challenged more and more both in theory and practice. Based on the theory of governance and good governance, many scholars have explored the concepts related to "evidence-based governance" to fill the gap between the trend of "evidence-based" thought and the mainstream public management theory. This article illustrates the logic of change from evidence-based policy-making to evidence-based governance from the perspectives of production, evaluation, utilization and the value propositions of evidence, and puts forward three elements of evidence-based management, including evidence, leadership, and public value comparing with the three elements of evidence-based medicine. The article examines the methodological similarities and differences between systematic review research,the main research method in the evidence-based field, in evidence-based medicine and in the field of public management and presents a systematic review case in public management field in Campbell database, and discusses its methodological implications. The future research questions of evidence-based governance include the construction of middle-level theory, knowledge transformation, methodology, indigenous research and the evidence-based governance under the background of big data and social computing.

Key words evidence-based medicine;evidence-based policy making;evidence-based governance;systematic review;public value

1 引言

循證决策(Evidence-based Policy Making)和新韦伯主义、公民参与、公共价值管理等一同被视为后新公共管理时期的重要理论思潮,近年来受到学界的广泛关注[1]。从本质而言,循证决策回应了公共政策领域的一个根本问题:公共政策学者对政策的研究成果如何转化为有效的决策?这一问题是实践者追寻理性决策的必然考量,也构成了公共政策研究的根本合法性基础。从20世纪后期开始,循证决策的思想先后在英国、美国、澳大利亚、日本、加拿大等国扩散,我国的卫生政策、科技政策等领域也能窥见循证决策的端倪,各国政府在政策文本中不断强调使用最佳证据做出有效决策,学者也积极探索政策研究以及知识转化的种种议题[2-7]。循证决策正在全球范围内掀起一场政策“有效性”(What Works)变革的浪潮。

推荐访问:方法论 治理 框架 决策 理论

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